Glance: Mid-Manhattan Expressway (I-495)

This Post is NOT an Overview, but rather what I refer to a Glance, which explores a scenario and discusses the likelihood.


The Mid-Manhattan Expressway was proposed in 1926 as a means to connect two tunnels that were in planning at the time. Both tunnels were completed by 1937, but the Mid-Manhattan had not been built.

The project was initially scrapped in the 1940s, but revived during the late 40s and 50s. The Highway, which would have ran between 30th and 29th Streets, would have connected the Midtown and Lincoln Tunnels and ultimately carried I-495 through Manhattan. In 1971, due to protests over the Lower Manhattan Expressway, the Mid-Manhattan was scrapped


My personal belief is the fight against Lomex was necessary. The Proposal being pushed forth by the city at the time was ridiculous.The protests lead to a necessary cancellation of a controversial highway, but it lead to the cancellation of three critical and important projects, this is one of them. Manhattan's traffic is horrendous. thousands of cars on streets a day, a plethora of pedestrian traffic that makes it impossible to commute.

Drivers who aren't looking to remain in Manhattan, but use the Midtown and Lincoln Tunnels to access New Jersey make up a fair amount of Manhattan's traffic, and solutions need to be explored to alleviate this problem.

How It Should be Done ?

A Hypothetical Mid-Manhattan Expressway would link the two tunnels directly with exits for the FDR Drive and the West Side Highway

A Bored tunnel segment directly underneath 30th and 31st streets would have no access to the Manhattan streets, but rather, four exits

Exit 1: FDR Drive
Exit 2: Midtown Tunnel (Eastbound only)
Exit 3: Lincoln Tunnel (Westbound Only)
Exit 4: West Side Highway

I-495 would follow the current approaches before joining the Mid-Manhattan Expressway.

Concerns about Subway lines and water mains would have to be addressed when building this expressway. Also necessary would be a fourth tube for the Lincoln Tunnel and two additional tubes for the Midtown, which would not connect with the City at all but rather serve as a crossing for Jersey-bound traffic. Exits would be accessible by utilizing the current tunnels and approaches. One additional access point could be conceivably be constructed along the Westbound tube, which would be used as an exit for the West Side Highway, but such a tube could make things more difficult.

Can It Be Done ?

Ideally, it is feasible to construct some type of Mid Manhattan Expressway, but realistically it is unlikely. Aside from the cost, which would hit the 40 Billion dollar range, the proposal makes little logistical sense. The better solution could be to find a new proposal to build a tunnel from Long Island to New Jersey, but even that is unlikely. 


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